
4 Reasons You Should Have Your Wedding in Winter

Winter is a great time for festivities, and not just for Christmas and the New Year, but also for weddings! More than the magic that surrounds saying your vows amid brilliant white and glittering snowflakes, four reasons you should set your wedding day in winter are:

  • Lovely Wedding Photos

Winter weddings naturally possess an aura of romance and chic elegance that will radiate in your wedding photos. So whatever your theme of choice–modern and sophisticated or rustic and cozy–you can be rest assured that a wedding set in the white months will enhance it!

  • A Leisurely Pace 

Another great reason to plan a winter wedding is that they are often relaxed and calm with zero rushing or stress. Unlike the summer and spring months where couples are in a constant haste to fit venues and vendors into their schedule, the winter months are not as busy hence allows couples ease as you plan and celebrate your big day. And even better, the calm pace allows your photographers sufficient time to capture the perfect photos of you and your loved ones.

  • It Is Unique

A wedding day inspired by the elements of winter, from pastel hues to crisp and cozy scents, will be unique to you and your spouse. A wintry backdrop makes the bride’s gown shimmer angelically, while creating the perfect contrast for the groom’s attire. Soft colors also add an air of elegance that will stand out amongst the hundreds of weddings held in other months!

  • No Risk of Sweating

A sweltering wedding day is a nightmare for a couple and their guests. Thankfully, with a winter wedding there’s no risk of ruining your clothes or makeup with perspiration. Rather the crisp weather will keep you glamorous throughout the ceremony and in every camera shot!

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